Introductions with Voicethread
I'm doing this live, I'll post a link when it is done....
Presentation with Voicethread
Assessment with Voicethread
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Extra Features of Quizlet
This is a simple set of flashcards using images
You can embed Quizlet games into your blog too ... see below.
Can you beat the record ?
(you do need to login to Quizlet to get a high score)
You can embed Quizlet games into your blog too ... see below.
Can you beat the record ?
(you do need to login to Quizlet to get a high score)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Study with Quizlet Flash Cards
There is a great range of possibilities with Revision flash cards
This is an example set of cards. Try them out.
This is an example set of cards. Try them out.
Making an Arcade Game in a Minute using Free Web Tools
You don't believe it. It's true.This arcade game took no longer to make than the time needed to type the words.
Find out how to do it in this free webinar:
Creating Review Games with Free Web Tools
Presented by David Faure
Friday, June 15, 2012 @ 3:00 PM Eastern Time, USA @ 8pm BST, @ 9pm CET.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Introduction to Voicethread
Introduction to Voicethread in
Examples of Educational uses of Voicethread
Personal Introductions for online courses
Presentations with slides and audio, or even video.
Digital story telling
Support for ESL students / alternative for
Language learning
Collaborating between schools
Engaging students in dialogue on an issue
Problem Solving
Explaining Scientific processes
Commentry on a Poem
Student e-portfolios
Assessment tasks using text and audio commentaries
Extra Resources
VoiceThread - Digital Library: Good examples with teacher notes.
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
Voicethread Challenge for Science Teachers and Students.
Voicethread is a wonderful tool for student interaction. It is intuitive to use, and lets students comment in a variety of ways to suit their confidence. With little training a whole class can all participate in the creation of a multimedia gem which will capture the key concepts, support less confident students and allow the most able to shine. See my introductory Voicethread post if you don't know VT is!
"Write up" your next lab experiment with a whole class on the Interactive Whiteboard, using Voicethread.
Depending on your class size you may prefer to ask students to write up the experiment in your usual way, and call up groups of students to participate at the whiteboard in turn.
Have the following four files ready to upload.
- A Photo of the experiment apparatus
- Word document - results table
- Excel graph of the results
- Conclusion / Evaluation questions - as a PowerPoint slide.
- Upload the four different file types about the experiment into a new Voicethread (VT).
- Comment on the new VT as a whole class at the interactive whiteboard using one account and different Identities.
- Type or record with a microphone comments to describe the method on the first slide,
- Use comments to describe the results in the table on slide two.
- Doodle on the graph while recording with the microphone to show trends in the results, outliers, scatter of data, reliability of data etc.
- Give answers to the conclusion / evaluation questions on slide 4
- Set a homework for the class to add further comments.
- Please leave a link to the finished project and a few words in the comment box below.
Top Tips for success.
- Check your Network & Security settings allow website access to microphone and webcam
look at the VT Network Requirements, or pass them to your network administrator. - Test your volume settings before recording comments. (right click over VT- choose settings)
- Avoid overlaps between Powerpoint images and words ( or use pdf )
- Students copying and pasting vast blocks of text as a comment
- Student shyness about talking into a microphone
- Upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50 free Voicethreads.
- Join in conversations at the beginning.
- Give students chance to plan their contributions before speaking. (nice handout)
- If you want to avoid risks yourself let the students upload the images for you.
Advantages: Lino-it & Wallwisher - lino wins
Advantages: Lino-it & Wallwisher - lino:
Having spent twenty minutes playing with Lino-it I'm convinced it is a better sticky note tool. However the two main disadvantages are:
In fact all of the things I suggested Wallwisher might be used for on this Wallwisher wall
Here is a Lino "Canvas" I made in 20 minutes...
Lino-it would be a nice notice board for a project which lasted a few lessons.
The ability post sticky notes with attachements of files and to set due dates seems pretty useful.
'via Blog this'
Having spent twenty minutes playing with Lino-it I'm convinced it is a better sticky note tool. However the two main disadvantages are:
- It takes a little longer to get used to Lino-it than Wallwisher
- It has a sticky note Google ad on every canvas.
Otherwise I'm pretty positive that I can use this in lessons with students for all of the following:
- Brainstorming previous knowledge
- Collating information / images / videos on a topic
- Collaborative project work
- Getting students to respond to a text or a graph or a video.
- Book Reviews - Vocabulary exercises
- Collecting Web-links
- Plenary activities
In fact all of the things I suggested Wallwisher might be used for on this Wallwisher wall
Here is a Lino "Canvas" I made in 20 minutes...
Lino-it would be a nice notice board for a project which lasted a few lessons.
The ability post sticky notes with attachements of files and to set due dates seems pretty useful.
'via Blog this'
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
ICT workshop on Wallwisher and Voicethread
Online Collaboration - Wallwisher & Voicethread - Friday 30th April,
A student asked me yesterday, 'Can we do that cool thing on the computer - wall wishing again.'
As humans we are motivated by collaboration but we don't get so excited about sitting quietly waiting to collaborate.
Teacher centered questions and answers is only slightly collaborative , students are passive most of the time.
I got interested in Wallwisher because I wanted to find a way to get all the students participating actively at the same time.
If we can organise collaboration in the classroom where everyone participates at the same time (not easy) and harness this motivation to collaborate it could lead to really effective learning.
There are some other spin-offs too:
Wall one, - a few ideas for wall wisher.
Ideas of Creative uses of Wallwisher in the classroom
The sticky notes on this wall are ideas about using wallwisher - a brief introduction to possibilities
Wall two - posting on the wall - try it - it is easy.
What might you use Wallwisher for yourself ?
Double click and post a sticky note - could you use Wallwisher? first as a student might.
Wall three - make your own, and Showcase it on this wall.
Showcase your wall here
Make a wall of your own - then put a sticky on this wall with a few words, and a URL link to your own wall.
See Magzinr links below for more ideas, extra resources and some alternatives for advanced Wall builders.
To Do
Extra Resources
A student asked me yesterday, 'Can we do that cool thing on the computer - wall wishing again.'
As humans we are motivated by collaboration but we don't get so excited about sitting quietly waiting to collaborate.
Teacher centered questions and answers is only slightly collaborative , students are passive most of the time.
I got interested in Wallwisher because I wanted to find a way to get all the students participating actively at the same time.
If we can organise collaboration in the classroom where everyone participates at the same time (not easy) and harness this motivation to collaborate it could lead to really effective learning.
There are some other spin-offs too:
- There is more time to work with the weakest students to help them participate.
- Students can see the comments after the lesson, useful for support.
- It's easier to spot misconceptions
- Students learn from each other.
Wall one, - a few ideas for wall wisher.
The sticky notes on this wall are ideas about using wallwisher - a brief introduction to possibilities
Wall two - posting on the wall - try it - it is easy.
Double click and post a sticky note - could you use Wallwisher? first as a student might.
Wall three - make your own, and Showcase it on this wall.
Make a wall of your own - then put a sticky on this wall with a few words, and a URL link to your own wall.
See Magzinr links below for more ideas, extra resources and some alternatives for advanced Wall builders.
Wallwisher is simple, reliable and easy to use, but there is a whole world of new possibilities for simultaneous online collaboration using Voicethread.
What's a VoiceThread? 5-minutes
Examples of Voicethreads
Introductions for online courses
Presentations with slides and audio, or even video.
Digital story telling
Support for ESL students / alternative for
Language learning
Collaborating between schools
Engaging students in dialogue on an issue
Problem Solving
Explaining Scientific processes
Commentry on a Poem
Student e-portfolios
Assessment tasks using text and audio commentaries
VoiceThread - Digital Library: Good examples with teacher notes.
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
- Build a Voicethread together on the IWB
- Try Uploading images
- Word document - a poem?
- A pdf
- A powerpoint
- A video
- Comment on the new VT using my account as a whole class might.
- Try Typing,
- Use the Microphone
- Use the webcam (change the microphone settings)
- Experiment with doodling
- Create your own VT & share the link on the Wallwisher, or on the Voicethread. (Handout)
- Network & Security settings - for access to microphones and webcams.
- look at the Network Requirements, and pass them on to your network administrator.
- Volume settings, test them before recording lots of comments.
- Students copying and pasting text as a comment
- Student shyness about talking into a microphone
- Powerpoint images and words overlapping (leave gaps or use pdfs that don't to this)
- The free account only allows 3 voicethreads, upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50.
- Publishing options - you must allow anyone to view, and comment, otherwise students can't comment. - you can choose to moderate all comments at this stage
- Adjust the playback options at the bottom of the page (if you want students to have a copy
- The free account only allows 3 voicethreads, upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50.
- The Teacher should join in conversations at the beginning
- Give students chance to plan their contributions before speaking (nice handout)
- Let the students upload the images.
Extra Resources
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
26 free online tools for educators - SimpleK12 Smackdown
Notes from SimpleK12 Webinar: Web Tool Smackdown: February 2012
Presented By: SimpleK12 (Kimberly)
Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Time: 4:30 PM- 5:00 PM Eastern Time, USA
Join now:
1. Edmodo, Collaborize Classroom, My Big Campus--all virtually do the same thing--safe classroom environment for posting assignments, quizes, polls, videos, students responses, collaboration, etc...
- My Big Campus provides some monitoring of possible cyberbullying content, etc...
2. For science teachers: , huge resource for multiple grade levels. Check out the "science classroom" for lesson ideas geared towards upper elementary and middle school. Also check out "Reference Desk" for other resources and "Kid Zone" for links sorted by topic for learning.
3. -Convert your PDF files back to editable Microsoft Word documents - this is awesome!
4. Just found this site! What a list!
5. - Virtual Museum
6. - voice recording for mini audio clips, can embed or email, GREAT FOR ELL's!
7. educreations -- : free tutorial creation site, can save as lesson plans via web or ipad
8. Voki - --you can create talking avators; various languages; can embed; -- simplier version of Voki; you start with a photo and give a talking mouth to. ELL use it to play back their speech...could be used in any language classroom
10. - teaching your children to type, if students login you can monitor their growth this would be great for teaching beginning typing does NOT require a student email address. The teacher portal is a fantastic way to monitor students progress. records whatever you are doing on the screen has feature that draws attention to cursor
12. - quiz tutorial site; provides different language option, collects data for grades, mainly math, practice and drill with timers...
*******science- Carol W facts
13. explore & document flora and fauna from around the world, map viewing via location tagging learing about the world search location on project Noah Good for biome reports
******Randy- Caleb
15. - online questions and answers - voting on most correct answer
*******English??? for classroom website --in beta - classroom management tool Webinar on this in the community! youtube videos, convert documents (keynote to powerpoint, PDF to word document, etc.
18. has a lot of cool tools for interactive lessons and activities - Thanks Paula!
The video console games work well with Quizlet. You can export flashcards from Quizlet
and then blow up the right answers. The essay planning tools are useful too, and
Fakebook is a bit hit.
19. - web based exams
*** can give feedback---can not upload pictures unless paid account
20. From Paula (from Canada): wifitti is a great site that allows student to text in their answers
21. Generate flash cards of vocabulary words. Multiple quiz types can be created. My daughter used this throughout middle school to keep track of her vocab in all subjects. Karen D. - Mass.
22. - online sticky notes, great for collaboration, brainstorming
24. Edmodo - heard of this, but haven't used it yet. Social networking sites for schools, looks like Facebook
25. flubaroo - add on in GoogleDocs
26. Qwiki - Qwiki is a platform that creates interactive, on-the-fly, multimedia presentations of information.
Testing the Vocaroo Widget
I've just made this post to include the vocaroo widget in my blog.
It took me just a few minutes.
Powered by Vocaroo
This widget would embed in a webpage / Moodle, students could record answers / explanations etc. and use the Vocaroo tools to share them with others.
It took me just a few minutes.
Powered by Vocaroo
This widget would embed in a webpage / Moodle, students could record answers / explanations etc. and use the Vocaroo tools to share them with others.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Brainstorm and win: How do different organs and organ systems work together to release energy from food; and what is aerobic respiration all about? | tricider
Using "tricider" a question answering program to stimulate discussion and dialogue in Biology:
powered by tricider
I posted this question for my year 9 students:
Students could log in with their Google account and post ideas to answer the question.
Others could add 'arguments' which either added some extra detail, or corrected an imperfection in the original post. The students were really keen to participate, but they didn't want to look stupid, so they researched their answer first.
You can see the result of 30 minutes of class time in the link.
powered by tricider
The question was carefully chosen to present a challenge which required linking simple facts into an explanation. It was easy to set up, and the prizes were a real motivator to students. Prizes were awarded to the three answers with the most votes (I gave out cheap Merits) and random 'spot prizes' to three students who voted. Once I'd chosen to end the task, Tricider even sent emails to the students who were awarded prizes telling them so and a summary of the results. This is an activity well worth trying again.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Using ICT in Inquiry based Science Teaching
Using ICT in Inquiry based Science Teaching
90 minute presentation for Harare International School 2012
This presentation includes five examples to illustrate ideas for using ICT in Science lessons
Each blog post presents an example of teaching and learning in Science lessons which in some way uses inquiry based pedagogy and integrates Web 2.0 to improve traditional methods.
The foundation of each task is a concrete piece of learning, or syllabus objective. Some activities aim to motivate students to find out about Science by presenting the tasks as a 'Mission' and by catching student interest by using contemporary examples which engage student empathy, curiosity. Web2.0 tools are embedded into these tasks. Other Web2.0 tools are used to show information about the tasks.
The Activities usually have the following sections:
- A Hook - introductory information to catch the students' interest.
- Essential Questions - which tell students what they might find out.
- Description - A concise outline of the task.
- Running the activity - Step by step instructions of how to organise the lesson.
- Resources - Links to websites, Apps or other resources.
- Technician Request - what the teacher might ask the technitian to prepare.
- Aims - The foundation of the activity. Science ideas and concepts.
- Assessment - Ideas for assessment of students.
- Syllabus links - possible links to IB syllabus, and others.
- References - web resources used in preparation and for extension.
- Alternative ways - possible adaptations.
Depending on previous experience teachers may wish to do the activities as if they were a student, or to skim though the activity and use the links and resources to create their own activity.
Google docs
Slide rocket
Wall wisher
Java applets
Android and Apple Apps
This blog - including RSS feeds, social bookmarking, and twitter feed.
Student level
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