A student asked me yesterday, 'Can we do that cool thing on the computer - wall wishing again.'
As humans we are motivated by collaboration but we don't get so excited about sitting quietly waiting to collaborate.
Teacher centered questions and answers is only slightly collaborative , students are passive most of the time.
I got interested in Wallwisher because I wanted to find a way to get all the students participating actively at the same time.
If we can organise collaboration in the classroom where everyone participates at the same time (not easy) and harness this motivation to collaborate it could lead to really effective learning.
There are some other spin-offs too:
- There is more time to work with the weakest students to help them participate.
- Students can see the comments after the lesson, useful for support.
- It's easier to spot misconceptions
- Students learn from each other.
Wall one, - a few ideas for wall wisher.
The sticky notes on this wall are ideas about using wallwisher - a brief introduction to possibilities
Wall two - posting on the wall - try it - it is easy.
Double click and post a sticky note - could you use Wallwisher? first as a student might.
Wall three - make your own, and Showcase it on this wall. http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/Showcase-of-walls
Make a wall of your own - then put a sticky on this wall with a few words, and a URL link to your own wall.
See Magzinr links below for more ideas, extra resources and some alternatives for advanced Wall builders.
Wallwisher is simple, reliable and easy to use, but there is a whole world of new possibilities for simultaneous online collaboration using Voicethread.
What's a VoiceThread? 5-minutes
Examples of Voicethreads
Introductions for online courses
Presentations with slides and audio, or even video.
Digital story telling
Support for ESL students / alternative for
Language learning
Collaborating between schools
Engaging students in dialogue on an issue
Problem Solving
Explaining Scientific processes
Commentry on a Poem
Student e-portfolios
Assessment tasks using text and audio commentaries
VoiceThread - Digital Library: Good examples with teacher notes.
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=3680
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
This Livebinder is a good place to start looking for resources too http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=3680
Voicethread and SEN - Article
and of coure Tom Barrett's Crowd source
- Build a Voicethread together on the IWB
- Try Uploading images
- Word document - a poem?
- A pdf
- A powerpoint
- A video
- Comment on the new VT using my account as a whole class might.
- Try Typing,
- Use the Microphone
- Use the webcam (change the microphone settings)
- Experiment with doodling
- Create your own VT & share the link on the Wallwisher, or on the Voicethread. (Handout)
- Network & Security settings - for access to microphones and webcams.
- look at the Network Requirements, and pass them on to your network administrator.
- Volume settings, test them before recording lots of comments.
- Students copying and pasting text as a comment
- Student shyness about talking into a microphone
- Powerpoint images and words overlapping (leave gaps or use pdfs that don't to this)
- The free account only allows 3 voicethreads, upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50.
- Publishing options - you must allow anyone to view, and comment, otherwise students can't comment. - you can choose to moderate all comments at this stage
- Adjust the playback options at the bottom of the page (if you want students to have a copy
- The free account only allows 3 voicethreads, upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50.
- The Teacher should join in conversations at the beginning
- Give students chance to plan their contributions before speaking (nice handout)
- Let the students upload the images.
Extra Resources